Beagles American flag happy 4th of July shirt
We quickly figured out why the Beagles American flag happy 4th of July shirt. Amber was plain stubborn. Mega-stubborn. A mule would be in awe. We underwent training with her. After a lot of hard work she had learned all the commands. However, whether she actually obeyed them entirely depended on her mood at the time! Sometimes, yes. Most times, NO. Strangely, she wasn’t particularly food oriented, so treats didn’t really work. She was entirely nose oriented so if she got a scent, she followed it and that was it. You had no say in that matter, even if you were still on the other end of the leash!

Buy this shirt: Beagles American flag happy 4th of July shirt

Buy this shirt: Beagles American flag happy 4th of July shirt
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